Photo of student facing a laptop

Coming Soon – technology pick up information

Aug. 11, 2020 – When parents registered their children for Duval HomeRoom, they were asked whether they needed a laptop and/or hotspot.

Later this week, those families who said they needed a device, will receive a phone call from both the district and their schools with directions on how to receive the technology.

What about Duval Virtual Instruction Academy (DVIA) students?

DVIA will also directly contact families who indicated in the registration process they would need technology.

Are students returning the laptops they checked out during the spring?

Yes and no.

Yes for elementary school students who are returning to brick and mortar schools. Individual schools will provide instructions and reminders for returning the technology that students borrowed this past spring.

No for all middle and high students who borrowed technology this past spring. They will hold on to the borrowed devices to participate in at-home or at-school learning. Elementary school students who are enrolled in at-home learning through Duval HomeRoom or DVIA can also hold on to the devices they borrowed.

Background – When the district first launched Duval HomeRoom, it distributed more than 40,000 laptops for students to assist with at-home learning.

Can I still receive a laptop or hotspot if I did not already request assistance through Duval Homeroom registration?

Yes. There will be a late application process for families who are:

  1. Enrolling or enrolled in Duval Homeroom and DVIA, and
  2. Did not already indicate they needed technology, and
  3. Did not already borrow technology this past spring.

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