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Application to cancel Duval Homeroom available

Nov. 20, 2020 – Parents who wish to opt their children out of Duval HomeRoom for the third quarter may now do so.

HomeRoom cancellation forms are available through the Parent Focus Account now through Dec. 4.  

There is no requirement to cancel.

If the student is succeeding academically in HomeRoom, and the parents prefer for them to remain on the online platform, then no further action needs to be taken.

The district will continue to offer HomeRoom as long as the Florida Department of Education allows.

However, if a Duval HomeRoom student is not attending class, not engaged in class, or not showing academic progress, school leaders will contact the families to discuss solutions including possibly returning the student to a brick and mortar environment.

Reminder for high school and middle school families — not all electives can be supported in DuvalHomeroom, and options may be limited.

Parents and guardians with specific issues or concerns regarding their child’s progress in HomeRoom are encouraged to contact their school directly.

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