Thank you teachers

Teacher Appreciation Week – Team Duval spells out why teachers are amazing

May 4, 2020 – It’s Teacher Appreciation Week and Team Duval has a special message for its more than 8,000 educators! Watch video above to see students, parents and families spell out what makes our teachers so special!

Wracking your brain trying to come up with something to show how much you appreciate your teacher?

Here are some simple no-cost ideas that would mean the world to that special teacher:

  • Sending a heartfelt note of appreciation goes a long way with teachers.  Everyone likes being told they are appreciated.
  • Take over the next live virtual session and let each classmate share something they love about your teacher.
  • Have everyone in the class temporarily change their profile picture into a handmade sign of thanks.
  • Change your background to include a big thank you to your teachers.
  • Put together a digital book with all your classmates at home with a note of thanks.
  • Make a drawing on paper or chalk your sidewalk to say thank you; have a family member take a picture of you with your art, and email the picture to your teacher
  • Support a teacher’s classroom project or professional development by making a donation at*Special note – on Tuesday, May 5th, donations to every single project will be doubled.

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